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Critiquing Photography
Descriptive | Explanatory | Interpretive | Ethically Evaluative | Aesthetically Evaluative | Theoretical 


Descriptive | Roland Strauss

This photo by Roland Strauss is descriptive, as the sign's sole reason for existence is to welcome the traveler to the state of Maine. I also really liked the snow in this!

Explanatory | Marina Chiafullo

My photo is explanatory, because it showcases following a recipe. In this photo, you can see the various vegetables needed to make the lentil soup recipe, and provides the answers of the ingredients needed to follow said recipe.

Interpretive | Marina Chiafullo

My photo is interpretive, because the subject matter is subjective. Viewers may draw their own conclusions about why the model (my sister) is holding a stuffed rabbit and dead flowers,  why she is out in the snow, why her face is mostly covered, etc.

Ethically Evaluative | Jordi Chias

This photo by Jordi Chias is ethically evaluative, because it opens up the conversation on ocean pollution. Many of us find sea turtles endearing, and Jordi's photo shows us the dangers of unattended nets in the ocean. The turtle is caught and trapped, and the viewer may feel helpless seeing it, which may be cause for conversation surrounding conservation efforts and waste management in coastal areas.

Aesthetically Evaluative | Marina Chiafullo

My photo is aesthetically evaluative, because it showcases the natural beauty of water reflection. I really love this photo, because it resembles something like a watercolor piece. The sky and her clouds are reflected with small ripples, and there is a very faint circle in the right-bottom corner from where something fell into the pond.

Theoretical | Cornelia Hediger

This photomontage by Cornelia Hediger is theoretical, as it takes elements of photography (portraiture) and creates something new with it. Inspired by paintings and old portraiture art, Cornelia uses her photography and editing skills to create these whimsical montage pieces.

multimodal presentation

     In this presentation, I chose to look into the photography of William Eggleston. Born in Tennessee, he specialized in photographing everyday scenes, and developing them using the dye transfer process. This process was used by photographers and filmmakers, where they would layer magenta, cyan, and yellow dyes to create images with bright colors. Much of his work is interpretive and aesthetically evaluative, and he takes advantage of common sets around Mississippi and Tennessee, such as diners and gas stations, and composes unique shots that bring a nostalgic feeling to the viewer. The images I chose to interpret present scenes such as these. 

     Reviewing this photographer’s work changed my perception of photography because I was able to understand the extensive time and work it took to develop photos like these. The layering in the dye transfer process must be so precise for it to work, and all of the photographs I interpreted in this assignment were beautifully done. I also read an interview of Eggleston published in the NY Times, where he said that he does not have a favorite photograph, as he composes them so purposefully and meticulously. Every photo he took was on purpose, and meant for an artistic purpose. This gave me a greater point of view of how artists like Eggleston have a trained eye, and how the simplest of scenes can create beautiful, colorful, and interpretive photographs. 

Comment on classmate's presentation:

This presentation really highlighted some key photos that Steve McCurry captured, as well as their societal impact. It also highlighted the specifics of each photo and you had some great analysis on photographic concepts. This presentation effectively presents information, but if I had to suggest anything, it might be to include more information on the specific category of photo and their differences. In McCurry's work, I see great use of color, composition, and stark imagery that stir the mind. I really like how he uses environmental situations, like the dust storm and Gulf War, to highlight their effects on people and animals in the surrounding area. His work makes me feel empathetic and sympathetic, but also provides a general outlook on the human experience in other countries. Learning about this photographer affected my perception on photography because it shows how well you can convey human emotion and the brokenness, like the photo at the end of the child holding a gun. McCurry's work will help me to see the effect of high quality color contrast as well as human emotion, something I can include in my own photography.


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